The Future of Higher Education

As the economic crisis forces a new focus on long-term investment in institutions, it is essential that we recognize the contributions of America”s great universities to our national welfare. American universities have been a model of innovation throughout the world, and they can be used to solve the complex economic, social, scientific, technological, security, and medical problems that we face. As we look to the future in a transforming economic landscape, it is crucial that we support and nurture this powerful – yet underappreciated – national resource. This inspirational talk is based upon the speaker’s recent released book, “The Great American University.”

Higher Education Accounting Forum

National Association of College and University Business Officers

University of California, Berkeley book talk

They pay special attention to training novice drivers was as efficient as possible and in time and quality of received knowledge.

Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences book talk


Defending the University

Columbia Magazine casinos online australia Interview

Leonard Lopate radio interview

Former provost and dean of faculties and John Mitchell Mason Professor at Columbia University,Jonathan R. Cole discusses how it is that while America’s universities are the envy of the world, few understand how and why they’ve earned that reputation. In The Great American University: Its Rise to Preeminence, Its Indispensable National Role, Why It Must Be Protected he traces the history of colleges and universities in America. He also looks at the considerable threats American universities face—from foreign competition to government-imposed ideological constraints to the financial crisis’s impact on funding.

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KVON radio interview

Jeff Schechtman interviews Jonathan Everyone knows we’re not supposed to multitask while driving, but do you know why? Refraining from texting, changing the radio or talking on your cell phone isn’t just cautionary advice from your parents and instructor. R. Cole on KVON

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Princeton book talk

Lewis Lapham radio interview

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Johns Hopkins book talk

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Bloomberg on the Economy w/ Tom Keene intervew

© Copyright Jonathan R. Cole